Name(required) Email(required) Choose several options I have photos of Citrus Heights I can loan for scanning and sharing. I am willing to be interviewed and recorded to share my Citrus Heights story. I am willing to write or share some writing about Citrus Heights. How familiar are you with the Citrus Heights Historical Society? Very familiar Somewhat familiar Not very familiar Have you visited any of the Citrus Heights Historical Society events, exhibitions, or programs in the past year? Yes No What aspects of Citrus Heights history interest you the most? Local landmarks Notable local historical figures Social and cultural history Other How do you prefer to learn about history? (select all that apply) Visiting museums and historical sites Attending lectures or workshops Reading books or articles Watching documentaries or videos Interactive experiences such as walking tours or reenactments Online resources such as websites, virtual tours, etc. What would you like to see more of from the Citrus Heights Historical Society? Exhibits and events Historical and community-based lectures Walking tours Activities for kids Social media interaction Would you be interested in volunteering with the Citrus Heights Historical Society? Yes Maybe, I would like more information No Select any types of volunteer activities that interest you: Event planning and organization Educational outreach and teaching Archival and curatorial work Restoration and preservation projects Community outreach and engagement Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns you would like to share with the Citrus Heights Historical Society? Contact Us [email protected] (916) 802-7241 P.O. Box 14Citrus Heights, CA 95610